

It started from a few seedlings almost 17 years ago. We didn't know it then the trajectory we were on and where it would take us, but we had an idea. 

Fast forward to 2016 and a significant amount of effort, risk and support and we bring you The Brightboldt Group. 


It's never been about “if” with this team. The tools are here, they always have been. The Brightboldt Group will show you which hammer to use and how to get maximum impact on every swing. 

This isn't about consulting. It's not about credit. Honestly, it's not even about money. Money is just another tool. It's about community. It's about people. People, community, that's why we're here. 


- Founder & Principal


Aaron Carter, Principal

Business Strategy
Marketing & Branding
Strategic Partnerships
Growth & Investment Strategy

Aaron maintains a deep and growing understanding and prowess related to behavioral science, consumer behavior and consumer and competitive analysis. Aaron has developed and/or advised on a number of successful local and regional ventures.


Charlie Jordan, MBA

Business Development
Operational Management
Sales & Distribution

30+ years in Product and Business Development for companies from start-up through $100M. Roles include Change Agent, CEO, and Consultant. Owner and operated several businesses. Outdoor enthusiast. Company culture and work/life balance are important. 

Brian Bench, MBA

Financial Modeling
Financial Analysis
Corporate Budgeting
Financial Projections

Brian earned his MBA in Business & Finance before adding over 10 Years of Operational Finance and Managerial Accounting experience in addition to his Audit, Internal Controls, and Cost/Project accounting experience. You can't afford the Ferrari until Brian says you can afford the Ferrari.

John Johnson, Legal

Business Law
Contract Solutions
Copyright & Trademark
Personnel Management

John is a founding member of The Brightboldt Group and made a significant mark on every project that required his extensive legal knowledge and expertise. We thank John dearly for his many contributions, as a member of our team and as a friend. We congratulate John for his new role as the Presiding Administrative Law Judge at the California Office of Tax Appeals and wish him much success in his future endeavors.