

The Brightboldt Group's portfolio of services are designed to work together to bridge any gaps during the progress of the project. This saves time and effort by eliminating the often cumbersome task of keeping multiple agencies on the same page. The Brightboldt Group is a business development firm. We are a group of industry professionals and strategic partners that share a passion for economic development and business growth.

We Grow Business.™
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Business Development or Business Strategy is the creation of long-term value for an organization from customers, markets, and relationships. It is the means by which it sets out to achieve its desired ends (objectives).

We work with our clients from start to finish to identify, create and administer a viable path to becoming a successful venture.


Business Analysis is the practice of enabling change in an organizational context, by defining needs and recommending solutions that deliver value to stakeholders.

The Brightboldt Group brings business perspective and skill sets from multiple industries and disciplines. This intensifies your access to what works with reduced risk and the typical trial and error methodology. 

Marketing & BRANDING

Branding is strategic. Marketing is tactical. Marketing unearths and activates buyers. Branding makes loyal customers, advocates, even evangelists, out of those who buy.

The brand is bigger than any particular marketing effort. The brand is what remains after the marketing has swept through the room. It’s what sticks in your mind associated with a product, service, or organization.

A good marketing strategy should be drawn from market research and focus on the product mix in order to achieve the maximum profit and sustain the business.

Operational MANAGEMENT

Operations Management refers to the administration of business practices to create the highest level of efficiency possible within an organization. It is concerned with converting materials and labor into goods and services as efficiently as possible to maximize the profit of an organization.

The partners at The Brightboldt Group have been there and done that. We have proven success adapting business practices to produce improved efficiency leading to increased profits and growth.



Consumer Behavior examines individuals, groups, and/or organizations and the processes they use to select, secure, use, and dispose of products, services, experiences, or ideas to satisfy their needs and wants.

A common mistake we see over and over is the misconception that leads to a business owner attempting to sell to themselves. Through data and evaluation we will show you the differences between you and your target market in addition to ever evolving industry and consumer trends. 


Strategic Partnerships are defined as a relationship between two commercial enterprises, usually formalized by one or more business contracts.

Our partners have developed strong professional and personal relationships with business leaders that continue to foster unique opportunities that give our clients an advantage when seeking entrepreneurial insight as well as offering powerful leads that push businesses forward. 


Growth Strategies are aimed at winning a larger market share, even at the expense of short-term earnings. Four broad growth strategies are diversification, product development, market penetration, and market development.

Through research and strategic partnerships The Brightboldt Group has solidified a process that will groom your project or venture for prospective investors. We do this by focusing on industry type, current trends and market share among other factors.


Sales and Distribution Management utilize marketing channels which are the pathways through which a product or service is made available to consumers for consumption. Channel Management (Distribution management) is the art and science of designing the channel, selecting and motivating channel members and promoting the product or service.

When advising on sales and distribution strategies we take into account the product, price, place and promotion in addition to any related policy or regulations to streamline an effective and efficient process to get your product or project out of the box and in front of a desirable target market.


Business LAW

Business Law, also known as commercial law or corporate law, is the body of law that applies to the rights, relations, and conduct of persons and businesses engaged in commerce, merchandising, trade, and sales. It is often considered to be a branch of civil law and deals with issues of both private law and public law.

The Brightboldt Group has the knowledge and experience to assist businesses in complying with the laws of local jurisdictions, and to use the benefits provided by the law to succeed. Our ability to handle a wide range of legal issues that a business might face provides reassurance and effective support, and allows the business to focus on its fiscal goals rather than be concerned about questions regarding regulations and authority. 


Financial ANALYSIS

Financial Statement Analysis utilizes trend, pattern, and relational techniques to help a firm understand and optimize its cash flows.

Understanding of a firm’s financial statements can allow decision makers to maximize revenues, reduce costs and avoid potential pitfalls. By enlisting The Brightboldt Group we are able to offer you a view from outside of the forrest. A critical outside perspective offers a better understand of where you are, where you are going and how you are going to get to the next stage.


Contracts are essential instruments for all businesses in the marketplace, small or large. Legally binding contracts make agreements enforceable, and allow for one business entity to obtain monetary damages from another party when that party does not hold up their end of the agreement. Businesses will need contracts with suppliers, buyers, employees, partners, and anyone else they engage with while doing business.

A bad contract is like poison to a business, stifling momentum and siphoning crucial funds. That's why we provide complete coverage for all of a business's contract needs. This includes reviewing contracts to ensure they provide the protection and benefit the business requires, revising contracts to better fit the goal of the business's operations, and creating new contracts for the specific needs of the venture.



Financial Forecasting or Projections is the assemblance or compilation of prospective financial statements based on historical data and financial assumptions for internal or external use. 

Investors utilize forecasting to determine if events affecting a company, such as sales expectations, will increase or decrease. Forecasting also provides important budgeting and revenue benchmark for firms, which need a long-term perspective of operations.

Copyright & TRADEMARK

Copyright and Trademark both offer intellectual property protection, they protect different types of assets. Copyright is geared toward literary and artistic works, such as books and videos. A trademark protects items that help define a company brand, such as its logo.

Registration of copyrights and trademarks protect not only a business's name and logo, but more importantly its presence in the marketplace. The Brightboldt Group has worked hard to build the perfect brand for your venture, and we do not want to see it be diminished by copycats in the open market. Providing Copyright and Trademark registration is crucial to our goal of creating successful and lasting ventures. We also provide extensive market research and reports to inform businesses of whether potential marks can be registered for protection.



Retaining Brightboldt is a solution we designed that allows us the resources we need to develop your project with respect for your budget.

Enlisting Brightboldt as a retainer offers flexible access, a commitment to long term projects providing consistency, and provides you with C-level capacity that your business needs without the full time expense of a professional C-level executive.

You will retain a predetermined cache of hours per month with a buffer of +5/-5 respectfully.


Personnel Management is used to manage (hire/ fire) employees of any organization, so as to increase their value. Personnel management techniques consist of selecting adequate people for the right job, with the right skills, job appraisal, training, ensuring effective communication within the tiers and making sure that employees are working up to their maximum productivity levels.

The partners at The Brightboldt Group know the importance of working with the right people, and how frustrating it can be when the workforce is not working efficiently. Whether the company works only with independent contractors, has a few employees, hires unpaid interns, or has a complex and stratified personnel scheme, we are here to ensure that the employees and contractors are working efficiently toward a productive and successful venture.


Want MORE?

Business Solutions come in many forms. Our industry experience and strategic partnerships allows us to run the gamut in the C-Level Consulting space. If you have a need that is not listed here, we likely work closely with the people who do. Drop an email in our box and we will get in contact with you.

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